Ø Vocabulary
To be blacklisted ->
être sur liste noire
To cast a spell -> jetter un sort
Witchcraft -> la
A rag doll -> poupée de chiffon
To be burn at the stake ->
être brûlée sur un bûché A gavel ->
marteau de juge
A cauldron -> le chaudron A broomstick ->
le balais
To be accused of / charged with / suspected -> être accusé A trial ->
le procès
To try somebody ->
juger qqun To be found guilty ->
être accusé coupable
To be sentenced to death -> avoir une peine de mort Wrinkled
-> ridé
Likewise -> de même The crowd ->
la foule
A screenplay -> une pièce de théâtre
A knight -> un
A piece of evidence -> une preuve Turn into ->
To dress somebody up -> déguiser qqun
A frame-up -> un coup monté
To cure -> guérir
To betray -> trahir
To weigh -> peser
Therefore -> so
Far-fetched -> tiré par les cheveux
A lawyer -> un avocat
To scapegoat someone -> prendre qqun comme bouc émissaire
A coward -> un lâche
To clear oneself -> se disculper To blackmail -> faire du chantage
To make amends -> se racheter
To starve -> mourir de faim
To go overseas / abroad -> aller à l’étranger
A play -> une pièce de théâtre
A playwright -> un dramaturge
Ø Puritanism is based on very strict moral
values: for instance (for example), they had a strict and plain (simple) way to dress.
Moreover, they were superstitious and believed in predestination (the belief
that everything that happens was decided in advance by God) and some sins (péchés)
like adultery were harshly punished.
Ø American colonists brought
with them the belief in witchcraft, that’s why when two little girls became strangely ill and could not be cured (guéris),
people believed they had been bewitched / they were under the influence of the
Devil. As a consequence, 200 people were accused of witchcraft and 20 were
Ø A witch hunt is:
searching out harassment of people who are accused of witchcraft
persecution of people who have done something wrong or who have different
opinions, considered as dangerous
Une probabilité au
passé :
May / Might
/ Must (not) + have + participe passé (+ed/3eme colonne)
è She may have cured someone.
Des reproches au
You should
(not) have + participe passé
You had
better (not) have + participe passé
è You should have protested against the cops.
Ø The “Hollywood ten” was a group of ten people working
for the Hollywood industry who refused to cooperate with the FBI and give
names. They were suspected or accused of being communists and subversive
activities. They lost their job, had to find other jobs with a much lower
income/salary, lost their social life, had to change their names, some
committed suicide.
To clear themselves,
some of them accepted / agreed to cooperate with the FBI and to give the names
of other people who were “supposedly” communists.
government feared that people that people working for Hollywood would
use their popularity / influence to spread communist messages, especially
through their film.
Ø Conditionnel passé:
If he
hadn’t … would have been
Ø A crucible :
A situation
of severe trial, or in which different elements interact, leading to creating
something new.
A pot in
which substances are heated (chauffer) and melted (fondre).
Ø McCarthyism was an aggressive investigation
led by Joseph McCarthy and Hoover in the 1950’s in the USA against people in
the government, artists, army who were accused of being communists. As a
consequence, many people lost their jobs, were imprisoned / jailed, banished,
tried. Sometimes, their passport was confiscated and very often, they had to name
Targets (witches/communists)
Century (17th/20th)
McCarthy/The church
Communism exists (not witches)
Salem people judged on appearance and superstitions / McCarthy on
their jobs, influence, relationships
Not at the same place, McCarthy took place in a larger scale (à plus
grande échelle)
Scapegoat were tried
They had to name names
They were scapegoated
Begin with a fear and then a trigger
People approved with what was happening
They were banished / ostracized
Lot of innocent were accused
They were blacklisted
Not real evidences
Had to clear themselves
Evolution of hysteria (hysteric/paranoid)